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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday, April 17
We heard from Kristin mid-morning.  Last summer when she hiked, everyone moved out just after sunrise.  She was surprised that the group she was with from the night before, were all still asleep with no signs of stirring.  She got up, had breakfast of rehydrated quinoa with brown sugar, raisins, apples, etc.-- 500 calories with protein, and headed out........alone. 

The rain began shortly after 8:00 a.m. and rained all day.  She never saw a single soul.  She called around 4:00 p.m to see if there had been the "Rapture" and she had missed out.  High winds and heavy rains continued until she made camp around 7:00 pm.  She had worn her rain gear all day and was dry even though she felt a bit chilled (I think it may have been nerves from never seeing anyone).   I take that back, at one point she saw a Ranger and he told her that she needed to make sure she got to the shelter that night because of the bears and the food situation (oh, brother!).  If she wasn't carrying a 4lb bear cannister, she wouldn't be allowed to camp on the trail, she HAD to reach a shelter.  Now, let me explain that these shelters are just like a "run-in" for the paddock animals....only 3 sides, not 4 sides and a door!  :(

She was successfully able to start her stove and had minestrone with TVP (soy protein) for supper.  She was weathering the storm when some others came and made camp.  Soon, it was very crowded, but she made some friends with a group of thru-hikers and stayed up talking until long after dark!  (That probably means they were in bed by 9:00 p.m)!   hee, hee. 

So, now I'm waiting to hear how this pans out and how she'll adapt her schedule to stick with them for a few days.  She is due to hit a package holding station tomorrow (or the next day if she slows to stay with the group) and will pick up her food supplies for the next 5 days.

I'm relieved to hear she's with a group for now.  The group had been only hiking 6-8 miles a day (they'd left earlier last week), and she'd done two 15 mile days, but at this point, I think she'll give up distance for conversation.  They were going to be camping near a creek tonight and that sounded nice.


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